Friday, October 28, 2005

The Dark Side of Chocolate 

Note: More and more researchers are saying that chocolate is a good food. However this article looks at the darker side of the chocolate industry. If you wish to avoid supporting human slavery and suffering in this area, make sure that the chocolate you buy is both organic and fair trade.

The truth behind the chocolate is anything but sweet. On the Ivory Coast of Africa, the origin of nearly half of the world's cocoa, hundreds of thousands of children work or are enslaved on cocoa farms. With poverty running rampant and average cocoa revenues ranging from $30-$108 per household member per year, producers have no choice but to utilize child labor for dangerous farming tasks. Some children, seeking to help their poor families, even end up as slaves on cocoa farms far from home. Slavery drags on and we are paying the slaveholder's wages.
The Dark Side of Chocolate

(4) comments
I've heard that the problem with chocolate is not the chocolate itself, but the fat and sugar that get added to it.
Well, you have to look at the whole picture. Is it grown with organic standards? Otherwise you might not only be getting a lot of poisons in the chocolate, but also be contributing to the sickening or the workers, killing of beneficial insects, poisoning of the soil, etc. Not to mention making the chemical companies richer.

The thing about child slavery bothers me a lot. I really don't want to support anything that contributes to that.
How come I never get tired of chocolate, but I quickly get tired of every vegetable known to humankind?
Good question! It might have something to do with the slightly psycho-active and addictive aspects of Theobromine Cacao. Plus nothing tastes like good chocolate.
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